In article <34F79C77.5648676F at>
hadden at WINGATE.EDU (Lee Hadden) writes:
>Does anyone know a source for new or used [but in good condition]
>time-lapse video recorders? I need one for new Plant Biology lab projects
>and research I want to implement but have found only a fawned they were
>priced beyond our budget. I need the type that could record plant growth
>responses such as seed germination, tropisms, pollen tube growth, etc. I
>would buy one with my own money, if it were affordable, just to have one
>and bring a new and dynamic experience to the students.
I'd look out for an old Bolex (type number unknown).
Neil Bromhall, who I've worked for, for many years has produced many
fine timelapse sequences for the BBC in wildlife and these cameras are so
cheap that students are snapping them up for filming. He got himself an
Emmy using this relatively cheap equipment so are capable of producing
broadcast quality material.
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