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faculty positions

Johnson, Jane j3johnso at uwsp.edu
Tue Oct 13 17:25:14 EST 1998


	General Description: All positions are tenure-track, nine-month
appointments.  Teaching loads average 12 credits/semester (24/year),
including an introductory biology course, and an advanced course described
below.  Additional responsibilities: a research program involving
undergraduates, student advising and other departmental service.  Ph.D.
preferred; required before tenure decision.  Instructor rank if Ph.D. not
completed. Evidence of teaching excellence and an active research program
required.  A successful grant history, undergraduate teaching experience and
mentoring of undergraduate research are desirable. Salary commensurate with
qualifications.  The UWSP Biology Department, part of a four-year
comprehensive university, was the recipient of the University of Wisconsin
Regents' award for excellence in teaching and emphasis on undergraduate
research.  On-line course descriptions available at

Specific requirements: broad training in zoology and mammalian systematics;
dissertation and/or publications in mammalogy.  Specialty responsibilities:
upper-level mammalogy course to Biology and Wildlife majors; curatorship of
departments' mammal and bird collections.

Specific requirements: coursework, training and research in molecular
biology. Breadth of background and research will be considered.  Specialty
responsibilities: development of an upper-level lecture course in molecular
biology, with a laboratory component to follow.  

Specific requirements: broadly-trained botanist with research interests in
plant morphology, preferably of the bryophytes and/or lower vascular plants.
Preference given to those with botany teaching experience.  Specialty
responsibilities: advanced undergraduate course in plant morphology.
Curatorship of 50,000 bryophyte and lichen collection possible.  

Complete applications must include:  (1) curriculum vitae, (2) one-page
statement of teaching goals and philosophy, (3) three letters submitted by
individuals familiar with your qualifications and (4) copies of complete
official undergraduate and graduate transcripts.  Deadline for receipt of
all materials is November 20, 1998. 
		 All applications, supporting materials and correspondence
should be addressed to:  
		[position title]; Attn:  Dr. Robert Bell, Chair; Department
of Biology; CNR Building; 
		University of Wisconsin -- Stevens Point; Stevens Point  WI
		TEL: (715) 346-2074; FAX: (715) 346-3624; email:
rbell at uwsp.edu.  

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