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Qubit equipment

Diane Robertson robertdc at AC.GRIN.EDU
Sat Sep 5 15:48:36 EST 1998

>Plant-edders: I would like to hear from any of you who have used the
>photosynthesis monitoring equipment from Qubit Systems (Ontario, CA).
>Specifically, what has been your experience in using their Photosynthesis
>Package in lower division courses (e.g. General Biology) and upper division
>courses (e.g. Plant Physiology)? Is it useful for students who are involved
>in designing and carrying out independent projects? Does it require lots of
>instructor "hovering"? Did the "package" lack any features (expensive or
>otherwise) which you felt you had to purchase to make it work well for your
>students? Post to me or to plant-ed.
>Thanks in advance.
>Esther McLaughlin
>Esther G. McLaughlin
>Associate Professor of Biology
>Augsburg College
>2211 Riverside Ave.
>Minneapolis MN 55454 USA
>612/330-1074 // FAX:612/330-1649

 I have just purchased 3 different physiology packages from Qubit with
NSF/ILI money and plan to develop labs using them for both introductory and
advanced courses.  I am just beginning to test them myself and have not
used them in any courses yet but will eventually have some experience to
share with you.  From what I know of them and have learned about them in my
brief experience, I think the photosynthesis package should be fully
accessible to introductory students but I, of course, have not "field
tested" them in the classroom yet.

Diane C. Robertson                      phone:  515-269-3039
Associate Professor and Chair           fax:    515-269-4285
Biology Dept.                           ROBERTDC at AC.GRIN.EDU
Grinnell College
Grinnell, Iowa  50112

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