Among the many instances of the fibonacci series found in nature are 1)
daisies which can have as many as 34, 55 or even 89 petals and 2) pineapples
whose scales have spirals in sets of 8, 13 and 21 rows.
Does anyone know, using the daisy as an example, the variety with 89 petals
evolved from a form with 55 which, in turn, had evolved from a species with 34
If this is so does it hold true (in general) for all the other instances of
fibonacci that appear ? (sunflowers for example). One final question: does the
fibonacci number expressed always increase with evolution or are there cases of
it decreasing?.
Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou.
Model of an Internal Evolutionary Mechanism (presented as an extension to
Homoeostasis) and proposed method of testing.
Psychology. Social Psychology inc. Real-Life stories.