This gift certificate list is opt-in only. We are linked
to many web sites that offer free subscriptions
to our gift certificate list. You will be removed from this
list at any time by following the simple instructions
that can be found at the end of this email. THIS
IS NOT SPAM! You are on our mailing list because
you subscribed or someone you know subscribed
for you at one of our associate web sites.
Congratulations! We are pleased to forward this e-mail
notification to inform you that a gift certificate has just
been issued for you from The Body Temples online
catalogue. Your gift certificate, for the amount listed
below, may be applied towards the purchase of any
item from The Body Temple(TBT).
To claim your gift certificate, visit TBTs online
catalogue (click below).
Amount: US$20.00
Claim Code: GKJR-LX5M587-7TR7
Order# 1056-536842-0799
Expires: 30-July-99
To claim you gift certificate, visit TBTs web site
Using your gift certificate is easy:
1. Visit TBTs web site.
2. Select the items you want.
3. Click the ORDER button. To redeem your gift
4. certificate, enter your claim code on the order
5. form.
The fine print:
Gift certificates are not redeemable for cash and
must be redeemed at TBTs web site.
Only one gift certificate per customer, per order
may be used.
Gift certificates expire on the date listed on the
gift certificate.
If your order exceeds the amount of your gift
certificate, you must pay for the balance with
a credit card or by mail with a money order.
There is no obligation to spend this gift certificate.
TBT respects others right to privacy. To help us
insure quality control, you may inform TBT
management directly at remreq4tbt at hotmail.com if you
have any concerns regarding the delivery of
this gift certificate. This gift certificate has been
delivered by a third party marketing agency in
compliance with federal guidelines. You may
rcmove your name from our gift certificate
account by sending an e-mail to the address
below with the word rcmove in the subj.