On 29 Mar 1999 09:26:21 -0800 "\"Nancy S. Kirkpatrick\""
<nkirkpatrick at lakers.lssu.edu> wrote:
> There are some good videos out there for introducing some of these
> topics. My own personal favorite is now over 10 years old - "Close
> Encounters of the Floral Kind" which describes pollination mechanisms of
> many different types. It was originally a Nova production, I believe.
I love this video, and so do my students. However, I
think "The Birds and The Bees", video #3 in David
Attenborough's Private Life of Plants, is superior. It
includes most of the same examples plus some extras.
It is part of a 6-video set (all excellent and
well-priced for educational videos). David Attenborough's
narration isn't as lurid as the narration in 'sexual
encounters,' which I refer to as the plant porno flick.
My copy says it is a BBC/Turner Home Entertainment
>>>>>>>>>Douglas P. Jensen
Department of Biology
MSC 7801
James Madison University
Harrisonburg VA 22807
phone: (540)568-3343
jensendp at jmu.edu