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Plant-ed spam

Jon Monroe monroejd at jmu.edu
Wed Nov 10 13:22:05 EST 1999


Yesterday I asked the biosci administrator what was happening 
regarding electronic spam filtering.  He replied:

> We -- Stanford University Libraries -- are about to transfer
>responsibility for the the biosci newsgroups to our U.K. counterparts,
>-- about which more in the near future -- but one of the consequences
>will be a much better spam filtering operation.  I expect the
>changeover to occur in early December.

In addition to hopefully reducing the number of unwanted messages we 
receive, I suspect that this may affect how some of us subscribe or 
unsubscribe from Plant-ed or other biosci newsgroups.  I will let you 
know what is happening as soon as I hear anything.

Jon (Plant-ed discussion co-leader)

  Jonathan D. Monroe           Associate Professor
  Department of Biology       office: 540-568-6649
  MSC 7801                       lab: 540-568-6045
  James Madison University       fax: 540-568-3333
  Harrisonburg, VA 22807   email: monroejd at jmu.edu

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