I am using GIS (Global Information Systems) in my Environmental Science
class. There is a nice program (called ArcExplorer) that is available for
free on the web. My hyperlink is at:
I have only recently given it a try in class. I thought non-majors would
enjoy using GIS as it can be useful for anyone interested in geography,
economics, business, sociology, history, as well as ecology and environment.
P.S. Could you give me a reference for your NPP/greenhouse lab? and the Sci.
American article on weed-species area curves?
Dave Robinson, Biology, Bellarmine College, Louisville, KY
> -----Original Message-----
> From: WEWilliams at osprey.smcm.edu [SMTP:WEWilliams at osprey.smcm.edu]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 1999 3:04 PM
> To: plant-ed at net.bio.net> Subject: Global Ecology Labs?
>> Dear Plant-Eders,
>> I'll be teaching a biology course with lab for students who aren't
> science majors next semester, and I'll be emphasizing global-change
> topics. Can anyone suggest some labs relevant to global ecology
> suitable for non-majors? I've already got a couple: measurement of
> NPP in the greenhouse, and development of a species-area curve in a
> weedy lawn (there was an excellent writeup of this in Scientific
> American by Henry Horn).
>> Suggestions?
>> Bill Williams
> ________________________
> William E. Williams
> Biology Department
> Saint Mary's College of Maryland
> 18952 E. Fisher Rd.
> Saint Mary's City, MD 20686-3001
> (301)862-0365