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Are there "Identical Twin" plants?

Cereoid CEREOID at prodigy.net
Sat Dec 16 01:13:40 EST 2000

Cloned plants would genetically identical. One can theoretically raise an
INFINITE number of genetically identical plants. Mind boggling, isn't it? It
is being done all the time.

The rest depends on how they were raised. Genetically identical plants grown
under different conditions may outwardly look different.

The old nature verses nurture argument?

"George Hammond" <ghammond at mediaone.net> wrote in message
news:3A3AD2D8.89D52207 at mediaone.net...
> Dear Bionet:
>    I am a Physicist not a Biologist.  I have a simple
> question about asexual plants.
>    At the following URL:
> http://www.uwc.ca/pearson/biology/asex/asex.htm
> We find the following statements:
> "Asexual reproduction does not allow genetic variation,
> but guarantees reproduction (no dependence on others).
> It rapidly increases numbers of an organism and keeps
> its desired combination of traits."
> "Economically speaking, it is very beneficial to reproduce
> plants asexually. It guarantees a "perfect" product every
> time because once the desired combination of genes is found,
> there is no need to risk losing it through sexual reproduction."
> [Hammond]
>   Now, a Potato, some forms of Garlic, Gladiolas, Strawberries,
> etc. are examples of asexually reproducing plants described above.
>   What I want to know is this for instance:  Is it possible
> to actually plant 100 acres of Potatoes.. producing many
> metric-tons of potatoes, and actually have each and every one
> 1.  Is this "theoretically" possible?
> 2.  Has anyone ever done it?
> As far as research is concerned, this would be the equivalent
> of "Identical Twins" testing in Psychology... only now we
> would have a database consisting of MILLIONS of Identical Twin
> Potatoes.  Is this correct?
>   The reason I ask, is that the question has come up as to
> whether you can actually PROVE that there is such a thing as
> a "growth curve variation" which is ABSOLUTELY INDEPENDENT
> of "genetics".  It seems to me, simply measuring the yearly
> crop yield variation in such a planting of "Identical Twin
> Potatoes" would prove that such a thing exists.  Has this
> already been proven.  Is it a commonly known biological
> fact of Plant Biology?
> Thanks in advance,
> George Hammond, M.S. Physics/Psychology
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> George Hammond, M.S. Physics
> Email:    ghammond at mediaone.net
> Website:  http://people.ne.mediaone.net/ghammond/index.html
> -----------------------------------------------------------

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