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Are there "Identical Twin" plants?

George Hammond ghammond at mediaone.net
Sat Dec 16 01:47:02 EST 2000

Nick Theodorakis wrote:
> In article <3A3AD2D8.89D52207 at mediaone.net>,
>   George Hammond <ghammond at mediaone.net> wrote:
> > Dear Bionet:
> >    I am a Physicist not a Biologist.  I have a simple
> > question about asexual plants.
> >
> [...]
> It's a common practice in biology to use genetically identical
> organisms (and not only in plants) in an experiment to avoid genetic
> variation as a confounding factor. For example, most lab strains of
> mice are inbred strains that are gentically identical to one another
> (within a strain).
> Nick

GH:  You're kidding.... how "identical" is identical, as far as
     mice are concerned?  Do you mean "EXACTLY genetically identical"?

     Also, there are "parthogenetic" animals who asexually
     reproduce, so that are all genetically identical.
     Small animals, some annelids, flatworms, aphids, and
     I've heard, some large animals like fish and lizards
     reproduce asexually and form genetically identical
     schools, tribes, families etc. Is this true?
> --
> _______________________________________________
> Nick Theodorakis
> nicholas_theodorakis at urmc.rochester.edu
> Sent via Deja.com
> http://www.deja.com/

George Hammond, M.S. Physics
Email:    ghammond at mediaone.net
Website:  http://people.ne.mediaone.net/ghammond/index.html

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