>jgreenberg at hal.bscs.org wrote:
>Presumably the C4s acidify in light and the C3s change little?
When my students checked pH of Kalanchoe leaf extract every 3
hours over a 24 hour period, the pH fell from 8 A.M. - 2 P.M., and
rose from 8 P.M. until 2 A.M. Last time I brought these results
or a similar lot to the group, I think someone suggested that
Kalanchoe was only facultatively CAM, otherwise C4. So maybe this
counts as a C4 pattern? The plants were greenhouse grown during
fall semester, and the pH ranged from 5.2 to 3.9.
Any suggestions on how to force the Kalanchoe to CAM? (drought?
Dr. Katherine M. Schmid
Dept. of Biological Sciences
Butler University
4600 Sunset Ave.
Indianapolis IN 46208
kschmid at butler.edu
-----Original Message-----
Anyone tried it or know about this?