IUBio GIL .. BIOSCI/Bionet News .. Biosequences .. Software .. FTP


Allan Strand stranda at cofc.edu
Wed Feb 16 17:27:43 EST 2000

Hi all,

A couple of students in a colleagues ecology class approached me (as
the resident botanist) today with a question that I thought somebody
here might be able to answer.

They would like to study allelopathy and plant competition and were
planning to use juglone as their allelopathic agent.  The problem is
that they don't know the  appropriate range of concentrations to use
in an experiment.  Does anybody have any suggestions or pointers to
relevant literature?


Allan E. Strand          stranda at cofc.edu,  http://linum.cofc.edu
Department of Biology    Phone:      (843) 953-8085
College of Charleston    Fax:        (843) 953-5453
Charleston, SC 29424           

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