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PKAL Summer Institute on Plant Biology Education

J. Monroe monroejd at jmu.edu
Sat Feb 26 22:10:15 EST 2000

Hi all,

This caught my eye today as something this group would be interested 
in...  Project Kaleidoscope or PKAL (http://www.pkal.org) is running 
a series of Summer Institutes in
Keystone, Colorado, and one of them (July 23-26, 2000) is on "The 
Future of Plant Biology".  Copied below is the description from their 
web site.  I would love to go but I can't.  Is anyone in this group 
involved or planning to attend?  If so, I think it would be great if 
they could post here on Plant-ed the highlights of the meeting so 
that they might reach a wider audience and spark discussion.  Any 

 From http://www.pkal.org/curricul/keystone/seriesc.html
Where is plant biology undergraduate education headed and what are 
the major challenges? This workshop will include plant biologists 
working at all levels, from ecosystems to molecules, and is aimed at 
professional societies, as well as academic teams. In hands-on 
workshops and case studies, participants will explore a range of 
topics, including: the campus as classroom, technology and pedagogy 
in plant biology, integrating field experiences, and enhancing the 
presence of plants in introductory biology. Addressing opportunities 
to serve preservice teachers and to work more closely with our 
professional societies will also be discussed.

   Jonathan D. Monroe           Associate Professor
   Department of Biology       office: 540-568-6649
   MSC 7801                       lab: 540-568-6045
   James Madison University       fax: 540-568-3333
   Harrisonburg, VA 22807   email: monroejd at jmu.edu

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