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plant biologist position

Christine Maxwell cmaxwell at trentu.ca
Tue Jan 4 13:16:20 EST 2000

Dear Plant-edders,

I would like to draw your attention to the following notice:

Trent University invites applications for a tenure track appointment of
a plant biologist in the Biology Department at the Assisitant Professor
level, commencing July 1,2000.Trent University is a liberal arts and
sciences university, located in the Kawartha Lakes region northeast of
Toronto, Ontario.  Preference will be given to applicants with
post-doctoral experience and demonstrated ability and enthusiasm for
teaching.  The successful candidate will be expected to develop an
externally funded research program and to supervise graduate students
within the interdisciplinaryWatershed Ecosystems Graduate Program. The
successful candidate will share in the teaching of plant biology courses
in the Biology Department, which may include a module of the
introductory biology course, an introductory course on the plant
kingdom,and development of upper year courses in her or his speciality.
The salary scale for the floor of the Assistant Professor rank is
currently $44,454, and the salary will be concomitant with
qualifications and experience.

In accordance with Canadian immigration regulations, this advertisement
is directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.  Trent
University is an Equal Opportunity Employer, and especially invites
applications from women, aboriginal peoples, visible minorities and
disabled persons.  A curriculum vitae, statement of teaching philosophy,
summary of current and planned research, and names and addresses of
three referees should be sent to the Chair of the Search Committee,
Biology Department, Trent University, Peterborough, ON K9J 7B8 by Feb11
2000.  Please see our website at www.trentu.ca/academic/biology  or
email mberrill at trentu.ca for more information


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