Hi James,
I'll cc this to the group so others can subscribe (or unsubscribe) by
these new procedures. I'm fairly sure they will work but please let
me know if you have problems.
>To Whom It May Concern,
>I would like to subscribe to the 'plant-ed' e-mail listing. Could
>you please inform me of the correct procedure.
To subscribe send a message to:
Majordomo at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk
In the body of the message write:
subscribe plant-ed (or unsubscribe plant-ed)
A subject isn't necessary. You will then receive instructions on
what to do next. Send messages to the group at either:
plant-ed at net.bio.net or
plant-ed at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk
Requests for help in using Plant-ed should come to me (monroejd at jmu.edu)
Please read our charter at: http://net.bio.net/charters/plant-ed
To search archived messages link to: http://net.bio.net/hypermail/plant-ed/
If those sites load slowly try:
Best wishes,
Jon Monroe
Plant-ed discussion leader
>James Robertson
>Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com>>---
Jonathan D. Monroe Associate Professor
Department of Biology office: 540-568-6649
MSC 7801 lab: 540-568-6045
James Madison University fax: 540-568-3333
Harrisonburg, VA 22807 email: monroejd at jmu.eduhttp://csm.jmu.edu/biology/monroejd/jmonroe.html