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plant-ed subscription

J. Monroe monroejd at jmu.edu
Thu Jan 6 21:59:26 EST 2000

Hi James,

I'll cc this to the group so others can subscribe (or unsubscribe) by 
these new procedures.  I'm fairly sure they will work but please let 
me know if you have problems.

>To Whom It May Concern,
>I would like to subscribe to the 'plant-ed' e-mail listing. Could 
>you please inform me of the correct procedure.

To subscribe send a message to:
	Majordomo at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk

In the body of the message write:
	subscribe plant-ed  (or unsubscribe plant-ed)

A subject isn't necessary.  You will then receive instructions on 
what to do next.  Send messages to the group at either:
	plant-ed at net.bio.net    or
	plant-ed at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk

Requests for help in using Plant-ed should come to me (monroejd at jmu.edu)

Please read our charter at: http://net.bio.net/charters/plant-ed
To search archived messages link to: http://net.bio.net/hypermail/plant-ed/

If those sites load slowly try:

Best wishes,

Jon Monroe
Plant-ed discussion leader

>James Robertson
>Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

   Jonathan D. Monroe           Associate Professor
   Department of Biology       office: 540-568-6649
   MSC 7801                       lab: 540-568-6045
   James Madison University       fax: 540-568-3333
   Harrisonburg, VA 22807   email: monroejd at jmu.edu

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