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Post docs/PhD in Birmingham UK

Jeremy Pritchard you at somehost.somedomain
Fri Jan 14 09:06:44 EST 2000

The University of Birmingham
School of Biosciences

Postdoctoral Fellowships (2 posts) and PhD studentship on
Physiology of plant transport

Post 1: A novel technique for measuring  the xylem composition of transpiring 
plants: Development and validation. Two year post doctoral position funded by 

BBSRC PhD Studentship: Linking xylem and phloem transport with fruit 
Both positions supervised by Dr Jeremy Pritchard (School of Biosciences, 
University of Birmingham) and Dr Mike Malone (HRI Wellesbourne). 

Post 2: Developing systems to assess the phloem mobility of proteins and other 
compounds. A two year postdoctroral position funded by Astra Zeneca. Jointly 
supervised by Prof Jeff Bale and Dr Jeremy Pritchard in the School of 
Biosciences, University of Birmingham. 

Informal enquiries to Dr Jeremy Pritchard (0121 414 5570, 
J.Pritchard at bham.ac.uk)

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