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Fwd: computers in laboratories

Jon Monroe monroejd at jmu.edu
Thu Jan 20 13:03:27 EST 2000


Terry Derting (Terry.Derting at murraystate.edu) sent this message to 
the CUR list and I think it is a good question for Plant-ed.  I'm 
interested in the responses too.  Please reply both to Terry and 
Plant-ed, not just to me.  Thanks!


>To all,
>	We have received money to equip a botany and a zoology laboratory
>with computers.  We are now seeking input on good ways to set up the
>computers (e.g., on the table tops or on swinging arms above table tops)
>and whether laptop computers are a reasonable option.  With the recent drop
>in laptop prices, are laptops at the low end of the price scale a
>reasonable substitute for, say, a $1500 desktop computer?  Can three
>students readily see and use a laptop computer?
>	Any input you can provide regarding setting up computers in a
>wetlab and the question of laptops vs. desktops would be appreciated.
>Terry L. Derting
>Associate Professor
>Department of Biological Sciences
>334 Blackburn Science Building
>Murray State University
>Murray, KY  42071
>Ph:  270-762-6327
>Fax:  270-762-2788

  Jonathan D. Monroe           Associate Professor
  Department of Biology       office: 540-568-6649
  MSC 7801                       lab: 540-568-6045
  James Madison University       fax: 540-568-3333
  Harrisonburg, VA 22807   email: monroejd at jmu.edu

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