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Fwd: computers in laboratories

Monique Reed monique at mail.bio.tamu.edu
Thu Jan 20 16:34:00 EST 2000

In our Plant Taxonomy lab, we've had the most use of 1) a desk-top
computer hooked up to a ceiling-mounted large TV and 2) a laptop
computer and a lcd display screen that sits on top of an overhead
projector, allowing what's on the laptop to be projected.  With an
ethernet connection, either of these will open up whole new worlds in
the lab.

Monique Reed
Texas A&M

Jon Monroe wrote:
> Plant-ed,
> Terry Derting (Terry.Derting at murraystate.edu) sent this message to
> the CUR list and I think it is a good question for Plant-ed.  I'm
> interested in the responses too.  Please reply both to Terry and
> Plant-ed, not just to me.  Thanks!
> Jon
> >To all,
> >
> >       We have received money to equip a botany and a zoology laboratory
> >with computers.  We are now seeking input on good ways to set up the
> >computers (e.g., on the table tops or on swinging arms above table tops)
> >and whether laptop computers are a reasonable option.  With the recent drop
> >in laptop prices, are laptops at the low end of the price scale a
> >reasonable substitute for, say, a $1500 desktop computer?  Can three
> >students readily see and use a laptop computer?
> >       Any input you can provide regarding setting up computers in a
> >wetlab and the question of laptops vs. desktops would be appreciated.
> >
> >Thanks
> >
> >------------------------------------------------------------------
> >Terry L. Derting
> >Associate Professor
> >Department of Biological Sciences
> >334 Blackburn Science Building
> >Murray State University
> >Murray, KY  42071
> >
> >Ph:  270-762-6327
> >Fax:  270-762-2788
> >http://campus.murraystate.edu/academic/faculty/terry.derting/derting.htm
> ---------------------------------------------------
>   Jonathan D. Monroe           Associate Professor
>   Department of Biology       office: 540-568-6649
>   MSC 7801                       lab: 540-568-6045
>   James Madison University       fax: 540-568-3333
>   Harrisonburg, VA 22807   email: monroejd at jmu.edu
>   http://csm.jmu.edu/biology/monroejd/jmonroe.html
> ---------------------------------------------------
> ---

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