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Beta testers needed for bio software

Caelan Santa Cruz docbiotech at mail.com
Tue Jan 25 14:59:50 EST 2000


Spellex Development, a leader in the development of specialized spell
checking engines, is looking for several people in the fields of
Biotechnology, Bioscience, Molecular Biology, Chemistry, Botany and
Bioinformatics to beta test Spellex Biotech, our new biotechnology spell
checking software.

 Spellex Biotech is a comprehensive bioscience spell
checker, which loads into your current Microsoft or WordPerfect spell
checker  (Win/95/98/NT)  for seamless one-pass spell checking of
biotechnology and Basic English terms.

When you register to beta test Spellex Biotech, you will receive a full
working, pre-release version of the software that will be yours to keep once
the testing period is over. We do ask that you complete our  brief online
survey to let us know the results of your beta testing.

For more information on Spellex Biotech, please visit our website at:

To register to beta test Spellex Biotech, visit:

The expiration date to sign up for this free trial offer is

Thank you in advance for your interest in Spellex Biotech.

Shane Fitzgerald
Spellex Development, Inc.
sfitzgerald at spellex.com

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