Hi Sandra!
I routinely use large "Solo" plastic cups and fill
them with Perlite. I use sunflower seedlings for
the project and it works really well...we get really
strong symptoms for NPK Ca B Fe and Mg. I think the
S results are equivocal.
At 12:57 PM 1/31/0, Sandra Mackey wrote:
>I am getting ready to set up a demonstration for mineral nutrition using
>Hoagland's solution and hydroponics. We have been using styrofoam tops on
>wide mouthed quart canning jars. The styrofoam tops are not entirely
>satisfactory because they don't stay in place well, especially when they
>get bumped in a crowded situation. We've tried taping them in place but
>the tops need to be lifted up daily to add more solution. Does anyone have
>any suggestions? Thanks for any help.
> TT
>Sandra Mackey 612-625-1983 || TT
> / \ ||
>Sr. Lab Services Coordinator / \ / \
>College of Biological Sciences / o \ o |
>University of Minnesota ( ______ ) __/
( )_______________________________)
\ Ross Koning \
\ Biology Department \
\ Eastern CT State University \
\ Willimantic, CT 06226 USA \
\ Koning at ecsu.ctstateu.edu \
\ http://koning.ecsu.ctstateu.edu \
\ Phone: 860-465-5327 \
) Fax: 860-465-5213 )