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José A. Feijó jose.feijo at fc.ul.pt
Sat Jul 15 15:39:51 EST 2000



EMBO Practical Course (pending):

PLANT DEVELOPMENT: The Molecular and Cellular Basis

28 January- 17 February 2001
Instituto Gulbenkian Ciencia, Oeiras, Portugal, 

Scope and Aims:

With the description of several flowering plant genomes near completion, 
molecular and genetic tools are becoming available for integrative 
organism-centred approaches. The time has come for putting the organism 
together again and this will requires close monitoring of in vivo 
properties and follow-up of the extended processes that each gene or group 
of genes controls. Developmental biology has emerged as a most challenging 
area in which this is occurring, as it commands a full understanding of 
the spatial and temporal integration of processes that allow for growth, 
differentiation and morphogenesis, three basic properties of biological 
systems. On the other hand, higher plants represent one of the major 
evolutionary trends and their genetic and experimental value lift them, in 
the past decades, to a competitive and challenging field from where major 
fundamental discoveries have occurred and others are expected to occur. 
This course aims to provide the basis for this post-genomic work, with a 
solid theoretical background and practical training on the most utilised 
and versatile molecular tools and approaches, but creating the perception 
of need for interdisciplinary interfaces with cutting-edge biophysical and 
imaging techniques, and a strong sense of integrative biology. The faculty 
includes some of the world-leading scientists on plant development. The 
course organisation will allow for flexibility, free-discussion and aim at 
fostering productive interactions among all participants.

Faculty will:

Jose A. Feijo. Gulbenkian Institute for Science/Univ. Lisboa (Scientific 
coordination; jfeijo at igc.gulbenkian.pt)
Margarida Oliveira, IBET/Univ. Lisboa

Alice Cheung, Univ. Massachussets, Amherst, USA
Ben Scheres (to confirm), Univ. Utrecht, Netherlands
Enrico Coen, John Innes Res.Inst., UK
Fernando Catarino, Univ.Lisboa and Lisbon Botanical Garden, Portugal
Gerco Angenent, Plant Research International, Wagenigen Univ., Netherlands
Jim Haseloff, Cambridge Univ., UK
Keith Roberts, John Innes Res.Inst., UK
Nam Hai Chua, Rockefeller Univ., USA
Peter Hepler, Univ. Massachussets, Amherst, USA
Richard Amasino, Univ. Winscosin, USA
Rui Malhó, Univ. Lisboa, Portugal
Steve Kay, Scripps Res.Inst., USA
Tony Trewavas, Univ. Edinburgh, UK
William Lucas, Univ. California, Davis, USA

Course format:

60 hours of theoretical sessions (lectures, seminars and discussions);

60-90 hours of laboratory work. This will include DNA extraction and 
characterisation, plant transformation methods, functional analysis of 
expression, gene cloning (including comparison of available methods), cDNA 
library screening, database screening and primer design; Arabidopsis and 
Petunia mutant screening and directed mutagenesis; transposon tagging and 
"gene-machines" screening; visual probe design and imaging of GFP and GFP-
related proteins.
The course includes a workshop on imaging, with hands-on practice on 
ratiometric widefield, confocal and multi-photon microscopies, image 
analysis (with suport from Universal Imaging Corp.), as well as ion-
dynamics measurements by means of combined electrophysiological and 
imaging techniques.
To level the background in plant biology, the first two days will be 
devoted to the basic features of plants and plant development. 

Applications and local conditions:

A group of 16 advanced graduate students and young post-docs will be 
competitively selected. Due to the desired interdisciplinary philosophy, 
previous training or education in plant biology in not mandatory, and we 
will welcome other diverse areas. Inscription fee is 1.000 Euro that 
covers all theoretical and practical sessions and supporting bibliography. 
A number of affordable student rooms in the campus are available on a 
first-come, first-served basis. Meals can be taken in the Institute's 
cafetaria at low prices.
A limited number of applications is available. A limited number of 
fellowships may become available for outstanding candidates with proven 
need for finantial suport.
Oeiras is a small community with an active science campus, comprising 
three leading research institutes, located outside Lisboa (20 mins by sub-
urban train, and 40 mins from the airport), with several beaches and other 
leisure/culture places of interest within walking distance.

Applicants should send a short CV and letter of motivation to:

(1) e.mail:
mcordeir at igc.gulbenkian.pt

(2) Fax:  
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia
Plant Development /2001 (a/o Manuela Cordeiro)

(3) Snail mail: 

Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia
Plant Development /2001 (a/o Manuela Cordeiro)
PT-2780-156 Oeiras

Candidates will be selected and contacted by September 20.

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