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A rare intelligent magazine for teens

Naomi (nospam) naomijag at hotmail.com
Sun Jul 23 22:10:43 EST 2000

While we seem to have some great online communities, almost all the
magazines on the stands (at least here in N. America) for teens are full of
commercialized crap (like, I can only take so much
I found this one this weekend at Chapters (in Canada). It's called FAZE Teen

It covers a real range of topics, from Crime to  Nature to Careers to
Science to Studying Abroad...
Its content is actually more like a newspaper with lots of different
sections, I must admit I every article didn't appeal to me but most of them

They're online as well
Check out their website:

And if you're a teen journalist, writer, artist, photographer it seems
they're looking to round up material for some sort of talent showcase on the
web...with prizes I think but not sure how it works.

Thought it would be nice to support them by writing this, seems like a new
magazine with a great idea...

Love ya,

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