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Update tree-sitter Ginkgo in Ashland, Oregon

Roger Whitehead rgw at office-futures.com
Thu Nov 30 18:38:06 EST 2000

In article <t2del7qejc4sb3 at news.supernews.com>, Opinicus wrote:
> Why am I suddenly overcome by this odd feeling of deja-vu?


Do you feel up to answering Mr Larkspurr's question in an another 
thread about dervishes? Viz.

AL: ... they instead use cover crops and rotate.

RW: The Dervishes in Konya do much the same.

AL: Is this the same area where they burn manure as a fuel source?


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Roger Whitehead,
Oxted, Surrey, England

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