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Genetics Problems

"KONING,ROSS E. Biology KONING at easternct.edu
Mon Oct 30 13:33:39 EST 2000

Hi Deb,

I guess I like to get a little creative on students...
either I'll invent an organism and its characteristics
or I'll use a real example that is not likely to be "out
there" in the form I'm using. There are some less-
obvious real examples for which "solved problems"
are probably not available.  Arabidopsis, peas, and
Ceratopteris are a few with websites showing genes
that you could substitute for some of the "standard"
ones. Tobacco, snapdragon, and Physcomitrella
are others that might be out there.  But there's nothing
like "a newly discovered tropical fruit called Jujubees
that come in various color morphs..." then choose an
inheritance pattern for them to decipher (plug it into
some existing problem framework for example).

My old genetics page in my Plants and Human Affairs
course has some javascript newer pages linked to it
that are at least a LITTLE interactive.  If you just change
the image src's, you could have your own page with
something wild.


Professor Ross E. Koning, PhD
Chapter President ECSU-AAUP
Biology Department - Goddard Hall
Eastern Connecticut State University
Willimantic, Connecticut 06226 USA

Phone: (860)-465-5327
FAX: (860)-465-5213
Pager: (860)-744-2705
email: koning at easternct.edu

> ----------
> From: 	dcook at cau.edu
> Sent: 	Monday, October 30, 2000 1:06 PM
> To: 	plant-ed at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk
> Subject: 	Genetics Problems
> Plant Edders: 
> In looking over my genetics class homework assignments, signicant 
> copying from the solutions manual is going on (I was warned also by 
> a student).  This is really obvious copying in the form of a table from
> the 
> study guide/solutions manual being lifted directly.  Anybody out there 
> have new or different sources for genetics problems that I can get to 
> quickly?  I haven't had much time to check the net, but any links would 
> be appreciated. Any suggestions on how to deal with the copying are 
> also appreciated?  Right now, I'm planning on giving the copiers all 
> zeros on this assignment and reporting it to the chair. 
> Thanks,  
> Deb 
> Deborah A. Cook Ph.D. 
> Associate Professor  
> Biological Sciences 
> Clark Atlanta University 
> Atlanta, GA 30314 
> --- 


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