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tree labels

David W. Kramer kramer.8 at osu.edu
Tue Sep 12 14:20:05 EST 2000

Thanks for asking this question, Scot!  I want to do the same on this campus.

I just returned from a visit to Kew Gardens (Royal Botanical Gardens) in
London and noticed their trees are labeled with the familiar engraved
plastic labels (white letters on black plastic).  Seems to work for them.
I assume these are quite durable and relatively vandal-proof, but, of
course, they have a staff that can easily replace labels as needed.  See

To see how they label at the Botanical Garden Society of the Ozarks (same
as Kew!) go to http://www.bgso.org/trtrailg.htm

If you don't own an engraving machine at your campus you might ask around
your community.  Our local botanical garden has such a machine which I
could use, free of charge, if I supply my own blank labels.  Hospitals
often own these machines, too, to make various door labels, etc.  Maybe you
(or a student for a class project) could use the hospital's machine.

The Association of Amature Arborists provides "ArborTags", tree labels for
most of the common species.  These contain very interesting information and
are at http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Academy/4901
One might consider laminating these and attaching them to the trees (how?).

I'm looking forward to other solutions.


>Dear Fellow Tree-huggers,
>The difference between my college campus (Wheaton College, Norton, MA) and
>an arboretum is that at an arboretum the trees are labeled with their
>scientific names.  I am embarking on a project to label all the trees on
>campus with Latin names, common names, family names, and relevant campus
>information like "gift of class of 1902."
>I would appreciate any advice from folks who have carried out similar
>projects.  In particular I am interested in information on what types of
>labels to use and how to purchase or make them.  I want these to last for a
>long time, so I hope to use high quality materials.
>Suggestions on funding sources and ways to incorporate the process or
>results of the project into teaching would also be appreciated.
>Thank you, Scott
>Scott Shumway
>Associate Professor of Biology
>Dept. of Biology
>Wheaton College
>Norton, MA 02766
>"Scott_Shumway at WheatonMa.edu"
>fax 508-285-8278

David W. Kramer, Ph.D.
Asst. Prof. of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology
Ohio State University at Mansfield
1680 University Drive
Mansfield, OH  44906-1547
Phone:  (419) 755-4344      FAX:  (419) 755-4367
e-mail:  kramer.8 at osu.edu


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