>I have now seversal different ids, Lonicera japonica, and
>Japanese Knotweed and Mexican Bamboo
>Polygonum cuspidatum, sometimes called Japanese Bamboo.
>>"Monique Reed" <monique at mail.bio.tamu.edu> wrote in message
>news:39C625DE.8D6E8879 at mail.bio.tamu.edu...>> From here, it looks like Japanese honeysuckle, Lonicera japonica.
>> It's a horrible weed.
>>>> M. Reed
>>>> Gilbert Baron wrote:
>> >
>> > I have a link to a photo of a bush I would like to identify.
>> > If you can help, please respond here or by email or both.
>> > Thanks.
>> >
>> > It grows in SE Minnesota to about 10 feet and is very fragrant.
>> > It is along a trail on the Root River about 300 yards from the river and
>> > think it was planted as I have seen it only in one spot.
>> >
> > > http://members.home.com/gbaron/plantid.jpg
Hi Gilbert,
Your picture is kinda fuzzy. However, I would go along with the ID
as being Japanese knotweed, Polygonum cuspidatum. It's extremely
common here in northeastern Pennsylvania. I've agreed to write a
review article on that species as part of the Biology of Canadian
Weeds series.
It has some interesting medicinal features, as summarized in
Ken K.
Kenneth M. Klemow, Ph.D.
Professor of Biology & GeoEnvironmental Science
Biology Program
Wilkes University
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18766
e-mail: kklemow at wilkes1.wilkes.edu
webpage: http://wilkes1.wilkes.edu/~kklemow
phone: 570-408-4758
fax: 570-408-7862