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What is the smallest seed?

Bryan Ness bness at puc.edu
Wed Sep 20 03:47:26 EST 2000

I don't know a specific plant, but I do know that orchids, in general have 
the smallest seeds, by far.  Many species' seeds are so small that a 
microscope is required to see them well.


At 11:15 PM 9/19/00 -0400, you wrote:

>I have a question. What plant, bush, or tree on this planet, has the
>smallest seed?

Bryan Ness (bness at puc.edu)    http://www.puc.edu/Faculty/Bryan_Ness/
Office Phone: 707-965-6634    Department of Biology
Home Phone:   707-965-2220    Pacific Union College
FAX: 707-965-6390             Angwin, CA  94508
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