Encouraging scientific experimentation is so important in grade school and
high school. I've just posted two experiments dealing with photosynthesis
at my Web Site, called the Botany Site. Take a look at them and let me
know if you find them useful. If you don't teach at that level, pass them
on to someone who does.
Additional projects and experiments are listed at
http://botany.about.com/cs/education/index.htm and the entire Botany Site
is full of useful material for all educational levels.
Bryan Ness (bness at puc.edu) http://www.puc.edu/Faculty/Bryan_Ness/
Office Phone: 707-965-6634 Department of Biology
Home Phone: 707-965-2220 Pacific Union College
FAX: 707-965-6390 Angwin, CA 94508
!!Also see the Botany Site at http://botany.about.com
Remember amateurs built the Ark. It was experts that built the Titanic.
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