There is an old series of videos out (late 1980's) that were made by Robert
H. Woodworth. There is one on the non cellular slime mold and one on
cellular slime mold. He uses time-lapse photography, and the videos are
about 10 minutes long. They aren't anything exciting, but they can be
useful supplements to lab when you don't have live material.
Nancy Artus
West Chester University, PA
> ----------
> From: ldnum at> Sent: Friday, September 29, 2000 3:06 PM
> To: plant-ed at> Subject: slime mold video?
>> Does anyone know of a good video showing slime mold development and
> movement?
>> Sorry, this may not be viewed as a 100% plant question.
>> Thanks,
>>> Larry D. Noodén Telephone 734-764-4436
> 2014A Natural Science Bldg.
> Biology Dept., University of Michigan FAX 734-647-0884
> Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1048
> URL:>>>> ---