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science for grades 6-12

Fisher, Roxanne RFisher at Chatham.edu
Tue Apr 24 12:36:54 EST 2001

Dear plant-ed folks:

One of my former students now heads an after-school program for grades 6-12
at the daycare center my son attends.  She's looking for resources to plan
science activities (not strictly plant bio, but including plant bio) for the
students.  Are there any websites, books, or organizations that might be
helpful to her that you would recommend?  I know I've heard of things
(possibly in this group) that would be helpful that I can't remember now.  I
was happy to hear that the non-science majors plant bio course she took with
me inspired her to try doing more with science in her work!


Roxanne H. Fisher                                  rfisher at chatham.edu
Assistant Professor of Biology                  phone (412)365-1893
Chatham College                                     fax (412)365-1505
Woodland Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15232


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