I've taught an online economic botany course the last two years. My
website (not very up to date, sorry) has some comments on it. I will be
bringing to the campus this spring an interdisciplinary Global Seminar
course http://www.globalseminar.org
Bill Crone, HVCC Biology
Wilson Crone
Assistant Professor
Department of Biology, Chemistry, and Physics
Hudson Valley Community College
80 Vandenburgh Avenue
Troy, NY 12180
(518) 629-7439 (voice), -7799 (fax)
cronewil at hvcc.eduhttp://www.hvcc.edu/~cronewil
"J. Markwell" wrote:
>> Hello,
> I'm wondering if anyone has experience with undergraduate plant science
> courses that are offered by distance education. Courses like economic
> botany, plant taxonomy, plant anatomy, Great Plains flora, etc. Thanks.
>> John Markwell
> Univ. Nebraska
>markwell at unl.edu>> ---