Please do not reply to this message. Send inquiries to John Davis
(jmdavis at at the U of Florida.
Title: Assistant ProfessorPlant Genomics
Location: School of Forest Resources and Conservation
Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611-0410
Salary: Commensurate with qualifications and experience
Position Open To: Formal review of applications will begin January 25, 2002.
Duties and Responsibilities: Full-time (12 month), tenure-accruing
position with responsibilities in research (80% - Florida Agricultural
Experiment Station) and teaching (20% - College of Agricultural and Life
Sciences). This assignment may change in accordance with the background
of the applicant and needs of the unit. The incumbent is expected to
develop an independent research program in contemporary plant genomics.
Opportunities exist to pursue cooperative research in forest biology.
Teaching responsibilities include teaching a graduate course, seminars
in genomics and supervision of graduate students.
Qualifications: An earned Ph.D. and research experience in plant
genomics, and demonstrated ability to collaborate in an
interdisciplinary setting.
Other Information: The UF Genetics Institute ( offers
unique opportunities for cross-disciplinary collaborations in genomics,
as well as the most modern facilities available. The successful
candidate will be encouraged to participate actively in the Plant
Molecular and Cellular Biology (PMCB) Program
(, an intercollegiate graduate program at
UF that grants Master's and PhD degrees in the molecular plant sciences.
The SFRC ( has a history of strength in forest biology
and collaboration among faculty, manifest by several cooperative
programs, including the Forest Biology Research Cooperative
( and a federally-funded
genomics project in pine molecular physiology and allele discovery (
Genomics and molecular genetics research in plant models such as
Arabidopsis have yielded profound insights into plant biology, and as
such, individuals with experience in models are particularly encouraged
to apply. This position is an opportunity to explore relationships
between models and traits of interest in woody perennial plants. Tree
genomes have an untapped potential to reveal insights into processes
including (but not limited to) the molecular and cellular basis of
perennial growth and productivity, maturation and aging, cell wall
properties, wood quality and quantity, responses to environmental
stresses and/or identifying major genetic steps toward domestication of
commercially important tree species.
Florida has 16 million acres of forest land comprising a diversity of
ecosystems, from temperate to nearly tropical. Management of forest
lands in Florida poses challenges and opportunities due to its unique
flora and fauna, rapid urbanization, access to international influence
and markets, and growing environmental concerns. The School offers
strong forest-based majors in both Natural Resource Conservation and
Forest Resources and Conservation (SAF-accredited). The School also
offers science (thesis) and professional Masters and Ph.D. programs.
Faculty and instructional facilities are housed in Newins-Ziegler Hall;
the nearby 2,080-acre Austin Cary Memorial Forest and other public and
private forest lands provide unique teaching, research, and extension
opportunities. This position is supported by a laboratory dedicated to
the position and numerous support facilities that are shared with other
faculty. The School has numerous ongoing research programs including
work on forest genetics, tree nutrition, forest ecology, forest pest
management, forest biomass productivity and molecular biology in support
of forest management, economics and policy, nature-based recreation and
agro and international forestry. The Institute of Food and Agricultural
Sciences employs a number of molecular biologists in a variety of
departments. Other positions in genomics and related areas are located
in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and in the College of
Medicine. The School, a unit of the University of Florida's Institute of
Food and Agricultural Sciences, is located in Gainesville, a culturally
diverse community in north central Florida voted most livable in America
by Money magazine in 1995.
How to Apply: Submit: (1) Letter of application, (2) One-page statement
of interest in the position, (3) Curriculum vitae, (4) Transcripts of
academic work, and (5) Name, address, phone number and email address of
four references. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.
Refer to Position #935510 Return Inquiries to:
Dr. John M. Davis
Chair, Search and Screen Committee
School of Forest Resources and Conservation
University of Florida
P.O. Box 110410
Gainesville, FL 32611-0410
Phone: 352-846-0879
FAX: 352-846-1277
All courier deliveries to 134 Newins-Ziegler Hall
Email: jmdavis at
The University of Florida is an equal opportunity, equal access,
affirmative action employer. The government in the sunshine laws of
Florida require that all documents relating to the search process,
including application/nomination and reference, be available for public inspection.