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[Fwd: SPAC]

Grant Cramer cramer at med.unr.edu
Fri Dec 7 18:00:52 EST 2001

I found an interesting experiment by Eduard A. Strasburger (1893) referenced
in Salisbury & Ross, where he sawed off 20 m tall trees and placed them in
buckets of copper sulfate, picric acid and other poisons. As these poisonous
fluids ascended up the tree, they killed the tissue. Transpiration only
stopped when the leaves died. He also did similar experiments by scalding
Wisteria vine.

Strasburger, E. 1893. Über das Saftsteigen. (About the Ascent of Sap).
Fischer, Jena.
Grant R. Cramer
Associate Professor
Department of Biochemistry
Mail Stop 200
University of Nevada
Reno, NV 89557

Phone: (775) 784-4204
Fax: (775) 784-1650
Email: cramer at unr.edu
Web page: http://gcramer-mac.ag.unr.edu/index.html


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