Hi everybody:
I invite them to visit the Web Site of Huina-pukios. Lists of species and subspecies of Chile. Photographic material (anatomic), of some species of Chilean vermin, situation of the national fauna and flower, key of identification and more...
Complete list of species of:
- Chilean Amphibians.
- Spiders of Chile (in construction).
- Birds of Chile (Lads).
- Marine Mammals of Chile.
- Chilean Butterflies.
- Bats of Chile.
- Chilean Lizards and serpents.
- Marine Birds (in construction).
- Exotics species.
- Etc.
Mis más Cordiales Saludos.
Cristian Xavier Pérez Apablaza
Educador Ambiental
Huiña-pukios. Difusión de la Biodiversidad
huina-pukios at entelchile.nethuina at chilesat.net
Casilla 113, correo Rengo
Sexta Región - Chile.
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