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Leaf clearing for microscopy

David W. Kramer kramer.8 at osu.edu
Thu Jun 7 07:30:22 EST 2001

You can find several methods in Ruzin, Steven E.  1999.  Plant
Microtechnique and Microscopy.  New York:  Oxford University Press.
Several clearing methods are on pages 127-130.  All are fully documented
with references to the original literature where you might get additional
tips on your specific problem.

>Has anyone had experience with leaf clearing for microscopy?  We started
>with a published procedure for clearing grape leaves.  The published
>procedure uses 10% Na hypochlorite to destroy chlorophyll and other
>pigments, followed by washing in water, dehydration with EtOH, switching to
>xylenes, and mounting in Permount.  We've been using Clorox, however,
>(about 5% Na hypo).  We find that our leaf pieces usually (but not always)
>begin to disintegrate when transferred from bleach to water.
>Any suggestions welcome.
>Dr. Gary Coté
>Assistant Professor
>Department of Biology
>Box 6931
>Radford University
>Radford, VA 24142-6931
>Ph: 540-831-5630
>Fax: 540-831-5129
>email: gcote at radford.edu

David W. Kramer, Chair
Education Committee
Botanical Society of America

Asst. Prof. of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology
Ohio State University at Mansfield
1680 University Drive
Mansfield, OH  44906-1547
Phone:  (419) 755-4344      FAX:  (419) 755-4367
e-mail:  kramer.8 at osu.edu


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