You can find several methods in Ruzin, Steven E. 1999. Plant
Microtechnique and Microscopy. New York: Oxford University Press.
Several clearing methods are on pages 127-130. All are fully documented
with references to the original literature where you might get additional
tips on your specific problem.
>Has anyone had experience with leaf clearing for microscopy? We started
>with a published procedure for clearing grape leaves. The published
>procedure uses 10% Na hypochlorite to destroy chlorophyll and other
>pigments, followed by washing in water, dehydration with EtOH, switching to
>xylenes, and mounting in Permount. We've been using Clorox, however,
>(about 5% Na hypo). We find that our leaf pieces usually (but not always)
>begin to disintegrate when transferred from bleach to water.
>>Any suggestions welcome.
>>Dr. Gary Coté
>Assistant Professor
>Department of Biology
>Box 6931
>Radford University
>Radford, VA 24142-6931
>>Ph: 540-831-5630
>Fax: 540-831-5129
>email: gcote at>>>---
David W. Kramer, Chair
Education Committee
Botanical Society of America
Asst. Prof. of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology
Ohio State University at Mansfield
1680 University Drive
Mansfield, OH 44906-1547
Phone: (419) 755-4344 FAX: (419) 755-4367
e-mail: kramer.8 at