Palmer, M.C. 1959. Algae in Water Supplies. U.S. Public Health
Service Publication Number 657.5 This has great color drawings and ranks
algae as pollution tolerant or intolerant and contributing to bad taste and
odor in drinking water. I have also seen it reproduced at the back of the
EPA standard methods for drinking water analysis.
Needham, J.G. and Needham, P.R. 1962. A Guide to the Study of
Fresh-Water Biology. Holden-Day Inc, San Francisco. (pp. 2-11) us useful
for rough IDs.
- Scott
At 6:14 PM +0100 5/25/01, Beverly Brown wrote:
>>Does anyone know of a good source for information on what types of algae
>are linked to various levels of water quality? I have a 1962 reference,
>but suspect there is something more recent. Is there an e-mail list
>someone could suggest?
>>Thanks - and happy summer!
>>Beverly J. Brown, Ph.D. Phone: 716-389-2555
>Nazareth College of Rochester Fax: 716-586-2452
>Biology Department E-mail: bjbrown at>4245 East Avenue
>Rochester, NY 14618-3790
Scott Shumway
Associate Professor of Biology
Dept. of Biology
Wheaton College
Norton, MA 02766
"Scott_Shumway at"
fax 508-285-8278