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position available for plant scientist

linda raubeson raubeson at cwu.EDU
Fri Nov 9 19:39:31 EST 2001

We are searching this year for a plant scientist at Central Washington
University.  As you'll see in the attached position description we are most
interested in a plant physiologist.  Other botanists on staff include a
plant molecular systematist, a plant ecologist, a plant cell biologist and
a mycologist.  Please pass along the job announcement to any interested
students, colleagues, etc.

[attachment deleted by moderator... sorry.  Attachments cannot be
forwarded to Plant-ed]

The job announcement is also available on the web at:
More about the department can be found at: http://www.cwu.edu/~biology/

Linda Raubeson

P.S. The attachment is a Word document.  In case you have trouble
opening it,
I'll paste the key elements here:
	Full-time (9 month academic appointment), tenure-track position in
the area of plant sciences with a focus in plant physiology.
	The candidate should be prepared to teach botany classes and
participate in general biology offerings for majors and non-majors.
Experience in Applied Plant Science would be a bonus.  We are looking
for a
candidate that has the potential to forge links between our department's
strengths in the areas of Ecology and/or Molecular Biology.  A normal
teaching load is two courses with lab each quarter (an average of 12
contact hours).  Research involving undergraduate or masters students is
expected; continued scholarly activity is required, as are advising and
other service activities.
	Screening of applications for the position will begin on January
15, 2002 and continue until a candidate is selected.  A complete
application consists of: a Letter of Application, a statement addressing
teaching and research philosophies and interests, a curriculum vita,
photocopies of all academic transcripts, and names (including address,
phone, fax, and e-mail) of 3 references (at least one of whom can comment
on teaching ability).  Direct inquiries and applications to:

Dr. Sheldon R. Johnson                   Telephone:    (509) 963-2800
Botanist Search Committee                Fax:              (509) 963-2730
Department of Biological Sciences        E-mail:           johnsonsh at cwu.edu
Central Washington University
Ellensburg, WA 98926-7537

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