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non-majors plant courses

Beverly Brown bjbrown at NAZ.EDU
Thu Jan 16 15:31:30 EST 2003

Hi all!

I've just been given the opportunity to consider a non-majors plant 
course with a lab and am wondering what others have done along these 
lines.  I'm starting to toss around an economic botany type class but 
can consider other alternatives.  Students would take the class to meet 
their science requirement at our liberal arts college.  

Would anyone like to chime in? I would be most grateful for those 
willing to share syllabi and text recommendations.

Thanks in advance!



Beverly J. Brown, Ph.D.                Phone:  585-389-2555
Nazareth College of Rochester      Fax:      585-586-2452
Biology Department                      E-mail: bjbrown at naz.edu
4245 East Avenue 
Rochester, NY 14618-3790


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