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1 year faculty position in ecology/botany

Mary Ann Vinton vinton at creighton.edu
Fri Jan 23 17:28:38 EST 2004

1 year faculty position in ecology/botany
Creighton University

Creighton University invites applications for a one-year faculty 
position in the Biology Department.   Teaching responsibilities 
include courses in terrestrial ecology, botany and an additional 
course in the applicant’s specialty area.   The successful 
applicant would also work with undergraduate researchers.  We 
envision the position to be a teaching post-doc and an ideal 
opportunity for a junior person to get teaching experience as 
well as engage undergraduates in research.    Our facilities have 
just undergone renovation and include new teaching and 
research labs, office space and a large greenhouse area.  For 
more information about the Biology Department, see the web 
site: http://biology.creighton.edu/

Applications will be accepted until a suitable candidate is found, 
but to be assured of full consideration, please send a 1) a letter 
detailing your interest and qualifications, 2) a CV and 3) the 
names and contact information for three references to the 
following address by February 24:

Ecology Search Committee Chair
Department of Biology
Creighton University
2500 California Plaza
Omaha, NE  68178

Creighton is a Jesuit, Catholic institution that seeks qualified 
applicants from all backgrounds who believe they can contribute 
to the university's outstanding educational traditions.  
We encourage applications from women and minorities. [EOE/AA]

Mary Ann Vinton, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Biology
Creighton University
Omaha, NE 68178
vinton at creighton.edu


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