Dear Sandra et al.,
I didn't mean to sound flip -- I was just surprised at the question
in this forum. For whoever is interested, the most complete and
accessible coverage of evolution vs. creationism (including
"intelligent design") I have found is -- perhaps surprisingly -- on
the "" website: <>. There
you'll find some very intelligent descriptions of evolution, all the
usual creationist arguments, all the evolutionary rebuttals, and
frequently rebuttals to the rebuttals and so on. If you need to argue
with creationists (usually a waste of time unless it's unavoidable,
although see Antolin, M. F. and J. Herbers (2001). "Perspective:
evolution's struggle for existence in America's public schools."
Evolution 55(12): 2379-2388), this is definitely an extremely
valuable resource.
On Nov 9, 2005, at 10:10 AM, Sandra Johnson wrote:
> i don't want to teach astrology or intelligent design, but i'm glad
> to hear effective explanations of why not, since i'm called on to
> explain this regularly to my nonmajor biology students. i haven't
> checked out that programme yet, but i will. i need more than
> righteous indignation to convince students of the validity of
> evolutionary theory.
>> sandra
>>> William E Williams wrote:
>>> I was unable to access the interview with Sue Gamble, but egad,
>> you have to be kidding! "Intelligent design" is just old-
>> fashioned creationism in secular clothing -- why in the world
>> would anyone on this list advocate teaching it alongside
>> evolution? It'd be sort of like teaching astrology alongside
>> astronomy (as part of the history of astronomy it would be quite
>> reasonable, of course, as would mention of, say, William Paley or
>> Bishop Wilberforce as part of the history of evolution).
>> -W2
>> On Nov 8, 2005, at 3:46 PM, David Alan Walker wrote:
>>> Having heard Sue Gamble (of the Kansas State Board of Education)
>>> explain, so eloquently, why Intelligent Design ought not to be
>>> taught alongside Evolution, I feel impelled to ask Plant Ed
>>> contributors how they feel about this matter? If you missed it,
>>> you can Listen Again to her on the BBC Today Programme.
>>> Simply go to
>>>>>>,>>>>>> select 'Today' and 'Listen'. Then, by moving a marker along a
>>> bar until it reads 2:47:23 (hours minutes and seconds into the
>>> broadcast) you will find that she started to speak round then.
>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>> David
>>>>>> From David Walker, FRS., Emeritus Professor of Photosynthesis,
>>> University of Sheffield, UK.
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William E. Williams <mailto:WEWilliams at>
Professor of Biology
Saint Mary's College of Maryland
18952 E Fisher Rd, Saint Marys City, MD 20686