Hello :
One of my senior students is testing plants response to music. He is using the sensitive plant. Any suggestions?
From: plant-ed-bounces at oat.bio.indiana.edu on behalf of Paul Silverman
Sent: Tue 3/7/2006 4:29 PM
To: bionet-plants-education at moderators.isc.org
Subject: [Plant-education] Drought-inducible GFP plants
I saw a message on this yesterday-that someone in Thialand had used a
GFP reporter gene to show plant water status
(http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060307/sc_nm/singapore_dc ). After a
little scratching around, I found that Jen Sheen had published this use
a decade back.
Has anyone used a GFP construct in teaching? How do you visualize the
Paul Silverman
Valent Biosciences
Long Grove, IL 60047
Plant-ed mailing list
Plant-ed at net.bio.nethttp://www.bio.net/biomail/listinfo/plant-ed
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