For the pressure bomb component of the water relations lab in my class, we water geraniums or cotton with different concentrations of salt. The students sometimes play with various osmotica, and are asked to consider whether factors other than osmosis can be involved. (Plants are chosen for petioles that fit our chamber nicely, rather than for some unique physiological trait.)
Kathy Schmid
Butler University
Sustainable Rider wrote:
> At the last minute, I'm trying to devise a lab that allows students to
> use a pressure bomb to ask an interesting plant water potential question
> (this is my intro botany class I can't stop fiddling with). I've got
> two pressure bombs and have to run this lab in late February. I usually
> do this outdoors in a fall ecology class but that's not really an
> option at this point. Anyone have any tried and trues they'd care to share?
>> Laura Hyatt
> Rider University
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