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[Plant-education] plant videos

Scott Shumway via plant-ed%40net.bio.net (by sshumway from wheatonma.edu)
Fri May 18 11:40:00 EST 2007

Here's a list of plant videos that I use in teaching -

Sexual Encounters of the Floral Kind - I too would like to know about 
a DVD version.

Deep SEa Invasion - NOVA - An unfortunate title for an interesting 
account of the Caulerpa taxifolia invasion. (it does not live in the 
deep sea)

Diatoms - Life in Glass Houses - (Cytographics.com) - Awesome video 
microscopy.  Extensive cell biology (too much for my class). DVD

Dutch Elm Disease and the American Elm - (APS Press) - Very 
interesting, but lacking the slick presentation of an Attenborough 

20th Century Medicine Man (Conservation International) and "The 
Shaman's Apprentice" (Miranda Productions) - two very similar videos 
featuring the ethnobotanical work of Mark Plotkin.  More information 
might be available on the Amazon Conservation TEam website.

I also use the Attneborough series Private Life of Plants.  I had a 
student watch the entire series and take notes on the examples so 
that I can locate which video I want to use to illustrate a point.
Scott Shumway
Professor of Biology
Dept. of Biology
Wheaton College
Norton, MA 02766
sshumway from wheatonma.edu
fax 508-286-8278

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