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[Plant-education] Debate Over Plants Having Feelings

shawnvsmail from gmail.com via plant-ed%40net.bio.net (by shawnvsmail from gmail.com)
Wed Oct 31 11:09:50 EST 2007

I need help, I know this may sound ridiculous but here goes.

I am having a debate with coworkers.
I say that plants do not have feelings but my coworkers say that they

I think this is ridiculous and I wish I had not got involved.

I explained that it is impossible for plants to have feelings like
people because they do not have a nervous system and brain and that
plants are living organisms which react to different stimuli and
chemical processes such as Photosynthesis.

But this did not register with them so I made no headway.

I need Biologists and Botanists give me some information concerning
this matter so that I can put some real credibility to this issue.


Bill Vereen

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