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[Plant-education] Selaginella confusion

Scott Shumway via plant-ed%40net.bio.net (by sshumway from wheatonma.edu)
Fri Sep 21 09:23:26 EST 2007

For the first time in 15 years the Selaginella from our greenhouse 
appeared to have strobili on the day of our seedless vascular plant 
lab.  At least that's what I thought.  When I looked under the 
dissecting scope, what I saw did not resemble a strobilus.  Instead it 
was a grapeshot-like cluster of oval swellings, green on the outside and 
gray in the middle.  Some had clear papillae protruding from the apical 
end, almost looking like stigmas.

The leaves and growth habit of the plant look like Selaginella. 

Can anyone shed some light on what I was looking at?

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