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[Plant-education] herbarium projects

Janice M. Glime via plant-ed%40net.bio.net (by jmglime from mtu.edu)
Tue Apr 22 20:35:17 EST 2008

   One interesting use of herbarium specimens is to trace conserved 
pollutants through time.  Unfortunately, it is destructive, and one has 
to be sure the specimens were stored in such a way that they did not 
receive contamination after collection.  Geert Raeymaekers did this for 
sulfur for part of his Ph. D.:  Raeymaekers, G. L. M.  *DATE 1986. 
*TITL Eco-physiological effects of simulated acidic rain and lead on 
Pleurozium schreberi (Hedw.) Brid.  *PUBL Ph. D. Dissertation, Michigan 
Technological University, Houghton. 126 Pp.
   I think he published it, but I haven't been able to figure out which 
publication contains it.  You can contact him at 
<Geert.Raeymaekers from skynet.be>
Dr. Janice Glime, Professor
President of IAB; Manager of Bryonet
Department of Biological Sciences
Michigan Technological University
1400 Townsend Dr.
Houghton, MI 49931 USA
email: jmglime from mtu.edu
phone: 906-487-2546
home: 906-482-1610
fax: 906-487-3167

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