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[Plant-education] Background Research

Amanda Dotterer via plant-ed%40net.bio.net (by miazr007 from gmail.com)
Mon Feb 9 20:14:27 EST 2009

Hi, I am an 8th grader at Hereford Middle School in Northern Maryland. I
need help getting background research for a science experiment. Here is my
problem question: What is the effect of different liquids (watering the
plant with bleach, water, etc.) on plant height? I have heard that watering
a plant with bleach will make the leaves and stem (and soil) turn white. I
was wondering if you could provide me with a little background information
on this subject so I can start my project. My e-mail address is
miazr007 from gmail.com, so you can e-mail me back.

Thank You!


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