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[Plant-education] from a high school teacher

Richard Kurtz via plant-ed%40net.bio.net (by rkurtz3 from gmail.com)
Tue Oct 27 07:09:35 EST 2009

To whom it may interest,

I have 2 students who are intereste in the formation of plant crown galls.

These students are also interested in hormones as they may pertain to the
galls caused
by Agrobacterium.

They want to see how hormones may affect gall growth and/or how the galls
hormones in plants.

These students are quite motivated and dedicated to their work.

So far they have been struggling to develop methods that they can use in our
high school lab.

I am hoping that they can do work in this area of study.  I am not sure if
it is possible given that

we are in a high school situation.  I am looking for advice on the direction
these students could take

this project.  I was hoping that someone in this group may have some

Any ideas, help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Commack High School
Commack, NY

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