POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: The University of Oklahoma, Department of Botany
and Microbiology invites applications for a tenure-track, Assistant
Professor position in Plant Ecology, studying plant roles in the
regulation of ecosystem structure and function in response to climate
change, bioenergy production, or invasive plant ecology. The successful
candidate will be expected to establish a vigorous, independent, and
externally-funded research program, participate in graduate instruction
and training, teach modern courses in plant biology, and integrate into
University and Departmental instructional and research programs.
Candidates must have a Ph.D. in Botany or closely related discipline,
strong record of research publication, and postdoctoral experience.
Applicants should indicate Search #2 (Plant Ecology), and send hard
copies of curriculum vitae, representative reprints, statements of
research plans and teaching interests and philosophy, as well as full
contact information for four references to:
Dr. Gordon Uno, Chair
(Search #2) Plant Ecology
Department of Botany and Microbiology
770 Van Vleet Oval
The University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK 73019
Inquiries by mail or email should be directed to Dr. Gordon Uno
(guno from ou.edu). Review of applications begins November 15, 2010, and will
continue until positions are filled. More information about the faculty,
Department, and searches may be obtained at:
http://www.ou.edu/cas/botany-micro/. Women and members of under-
represented groups are encouraged to apply. The University of Oklahoma
is an Equal Opportunity Employer.