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[Plant-education] request for on-line resource links

Mary Williams via plant-ed%40net.bio.net (by mwilliams from aspb.org)
Sat Oct 16 11:28:31 EST 2010

Hello everyone,

I'm developing a database of links to free on-line resources to support
plant biology teaching, which will be hosted on the ASPB website. The
new site is interactive and allows users to post, comment, discuss etc.
I'm arranging the resources by topic (e.g. reproduction, diversity,
anatomy, photosynthesis) and by type of resource (hands-on activity,
video, article). I'm interested in resources to support any level of
teaching (primary, high school, undergraduate, other). 

If you use any on-line content (whether developed by you or not) in your
teaching or outreach, I'd appreciate if you would drop me a note with a



Mary Williams

Features Editor

The Plant Cell


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